
Why start a blog entitled “Theology in Community: Thinking Theologically in the Midst of the Church?”  The answer is both simple and complex.  To speak of the simple, it is my conviction, one held by many who have spent significant time and energy in the study of Christian theology, that theology is to be done within the context of the church, and for the purpose of building her up.  But why, and what does this mean?

Karl Barth, in speaking about the reasoning behind writing his monumental Church Dogmatics, commented that the purpose and aim of dogmatics was to test the church’s speech about God.  In doing so, he insisted, this testing must be done within the context of the church, and out of the convictions of one who held to the faith of historical Christianity.  In addition, it must stand within the checks and balances of historical interpretations of Scripture from within the church, opening itself up to the great cloud of witnesses who have come before.  Ultimately, though, the true test of dogmatics is to be found in Scripture, and so it is with theology generally.

If we hold to these same convictions, and I do, then we would be remiss to develop a theology and to cling to convictions without bringing them before the community of faith, that is, the universal church of Christ.  It is my hope that in and through this blog I can share my own thoughts concerning theology as it relates to Scripture, the church, our world and culture, and in so doing start a conversation within the body of Christ that brings to light issues that need to be addressed, building up the church in what small ways I can, as well as bolster the faith of those who read it.

Going forward I plan to include in this blog a collection of my own writing and thinking, primarily, at least initially, consisting of the lessons I have been writing on various portions of Scripture for my Sunday School class.  I do not wish to limit the scope of this blog, for I feel that if I do, I will not have enough to contribute.  I am still early in my journey of theological reflection, and so all topics are up for grabs.  It is my hope, though, that these reflections can be of use to others, and even if not, that perhaps by offering these thoughts publicly, you can test my speech about God, and help me to develop in a way that honors and upholds the convictions of Christians throughout the history of the church.

In Christ,

Zach McCain

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